SA8000 and PdR 125 reporting

SA8000 and PdR 125 reporting


Any stakeholder (actual and potential customers - partners, suppliers, professionals, public bodies including their consultants, representatives, officials, employees, etc.) can also anonymously report any discrepancies with the requirements of the UNI/PdR 125:2022 Gender Equality standards. The report can be made using the appropriate form, available at the company headquarters or downloadable from the website. The report can concern the following aspects:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Digital (Harassment)
  • Mobbing
  • Non-Inclusiveness
  • Discrimination (gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Pay Gap
  • Use of inappropriate language
  • Behaviours contrary to the Company Principles and Policy
  • Forced and compulsory labour
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Working hours
  • Management System



The sending methods can be the following:

  • BY HAND: On the appropriate form to be delivered to the Steering Committee personally or through a direct manager or at the headquarters in the appropriate reporting boxes;
  • BY MAIL: communications can be sent: to the email address of the Gender Equality Representative, President Dr. Gaetano Febbraio (;
  • VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS: in the case of verbal reports (including telephone reports), the staff making up the Guidance Committee have the duty to maintain the anonymity, if requested, of the person from whom the communication is received.

SA8000 and PdR 125 Reporting Form

    Type of Report


    Whistleblower’s job title or professional position

    Has the report already been submitted to other people/authorities?

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    alternatively you can download the form to fill in and send.